Thursday, May 13, 2010

Episode 1: Batman and Alex finally connect to the internet!

So, I have to apologize. I bought a new netbook for my travels and it worked great when I first tested it out, but unfortunately once I was out on the road, it decided it wasn't going to connect to the long story short, I was planning on updating this blog every other day or so as I went along, but the only way I've been able to get online is via other people's laptops.

I really feel like I'm letting you all down and not really keeping with the whole spirit of having a blog and going on an adventure, but I hope you all understand. Even now, I am on a friend's laptop so I won't be able to really give a good detailed update about what I've been up to. This really sucks, because I don't want to give you all a crappy short version of everything I've been doing in this episode, and it means that my next blog is going to be really really long.

Oh well, life is great other wise. I hitch hiked to Portland from Denver in 48 hours, stayed in a hostel for 2 nights, met some amazing people and now I'm couch surfing with one of the coolest people I've ever met and having an amazing time. I take Batman everywhere with me, including restaurants (I'll explain how I get away with this next time), and he's loving life.

Once again, I'm really sorry I haven't been able to write more often, but I promise I'll find a way to give you all a full length installment next time. I love you all and I can't wait to tell you all the amazing and crazy things I've experienced thus far.


  1. He's your "seeing eye dog" right lol
    Glad you made it to Oregon safely!

  2. Alex, so glad you are enjoying yourself, wished you would have said something to us on moving day so that I could have hugged you longer you crazy nephew, you. Can't wait to read more about your journey. Be safe and take care. Love, Aunt Karen

  3. I definitely missed this part and read the good stuff of episode 2. Either way, any update is a good update. :)
